domenica 21 febbraio 2010

Pague por sufrir

Every day I hear trouble and sorrow, all over the world. I try my best not to forget. Every day I try to express, with my words, the feelings which subtend to despair. Then I heard a voice, maybe you can think now that I’m a visionary, in Spanish told me:

Vamos hermono, Dios te quiere, y sabes que Dios sae que tu no nescesitas esos $5000 pesos que traes ahi... muestrale! Como prefieres tu salvacion al dinero?... solo 2 personas bueno que dios te vea darle $2000 pesos... solo 8... bueno que dios vea que te duele desacerte de 500 pesos 30 personas?? bien bueno hermano que dios te vea tirar 100 pesos miserables ...., uy bien hermanos ok ok que Dios te vea darle un peso.

Que Dios te vea darle un peso? What a useless idea! How can I think that in this world I could stop to suffer? It will be fantastic, but I guess it’s impossible. Why don’t you try to speak with a Palestinian mother, a youth from Haiti, men from Iraq or Afghanistan?
How can I believe that to rescue myself it’s right to pay God?
The sect Pare de sufrir has in Latin America a lot of churches, some TV program, in Brazil a political party. They start from Brazilian favelas, the “priests” persuade poor people to pay 1 dollar to have their salvation. From poor people to rich people the step is very easy if you have TV program to publicize your faith. Your faith in Money.

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