Ho ritrovato un volantino che alcuni rappresentanti della popolazione cecena avevano distribuito ad un incontro alpino al quale avevo partecipato nel lontano 2004.
L’ho trovato attualissimo e ho pensato di riproporvelo. Oggi più che mai, alla vigilia del voto russo, queste parole, pesando come macigni prendono importanza.
Villages are burnt to the ground – nobody fells responsible.
Wounded are finished off – nobody fells responsible.
Dead are carelessly left to rot – nobody fells responsible.
Men and women are raped – nobody fells responsible.
A nation is torn apart – nobody feels responsible.
The world silently watches – nobody feels responsible.
Not a strong condemnation, not a diplomatic compulsion.
Not a economic sanction, no legitimizing coercion – nothing.
By choosing this path of ignorance, Europe gave up its core values. Yesterday, in 1945, Europe was born whilst ignoring three evils. In the past there was Hitler, Stalin, and today President Putin – who believes the world would grant his every whim. Arbitrary rule produces in Chechenia the most atrocious acts of violence ever known to man. Soon, our ignorant “moral leaders” and incapable politicians/realists will be sorry.
But it’s far too late – for nation. Late – four our children.